Tuesday 25 June 2019

Lend a hand and no response.

Last night we made paper chains with statements saying how we’ve helped others throughout the week. 

With regards to our first aid badge we looked at different types of responses from an injured person and role played scenarios showing what we would do. 
Other sixes commented on whether we acted in the correct way. 

I read the Brownie story to them as our new Brownies needed to know how you become a Brownie. The new Brownies were also given their starter packs- becoming a Brownie book, the Brownie badge book and Brownie handbook. 
They met Brown 🦉 and saw the toadstool too in readiness for making their promise. 

After the Summer we will have new Sixes badges and are renaming them 🦊 foxes, badgers, squirrels and 🦔 hedgehogs. The girls will be moved around in the sixes but the sixers and seconders will continue to keep their roles. 

Y Pant Activity Day Information 
Saturday July 6th 2019. 

The girls need to arrive at 9:45am and meet me in the car park outside the main entrance of the school. 

They need to wear trainers, their Brownie t shirt, jacket and suitable sports wear on their legs. 
You will be given an off site activity consent form next Monday and this needs to be handed back to me completed on the morning of the event. 

Please provide a packed lunch and suitable jacket in case the weather is wet. Plenty of drinks too as they will be very active throughout the day. 

If you wish for your child to attend and you’ve not yet told me then please let me know ASAP via a message as places are limited and time is running out. 
10 girls have said they are coming along and it’ll be great fun indeed. 

Many thanks,
Brown Owl. 

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