Monday 20 May 2019

Week 3

We used our brains lots tonight whilst working on our Be Well badge. 

The Brownie Guide Law... A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day. 
Firstly we looked at what the Brownie Guide Law means and played a game that made us think of different ways to lend a hand. 

Hopefully we’ll remember some of them and you’ll see the girls lending a hand at home! 

We played the Fox and Goslings game which was great fun. Excuse the feet pics. I’m still working my way through your forms and social media permissions! 

All the goslings lined up ready to run and then they’re off! 

For our Skills builder we worked on developing our memory, asking for help and working together skills. We had to memorise a really, really long number. 

Some of the girls remembered it by working in pairs, splitting the numbers to remember between them, singing them as a song, making them into double digit numbers etc. 

It was really challenging but good fun. 

Remember these things are going towards our badges and hopefully we will have a badge giving ceremony at the end of the Summer Term. 

We also sang campfire songs tonight and I gave out the squeeze for the children to have the opportunity to do a good turn! 

There’s no brownies next week due to half term. 

All forms to be returned and subs to be paid at the latest by the next meeting after half term please. 

Many thanks,

Brown Owl. 

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