Monday 20 January 2020

Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus.

This evening the Brownies chose to celebrate the Welsh equivalent to St Valentines day which will be celebrated on January 25th 2020. They wanted to make daffodils to mark the event.

Every flower was unique and they did a great job in being creative.  We sang some songs and even composed a verse for Dydd Santes Dwynwen.

There will be no Brownies for two weeks (due to work commitments). See you on February the 10th for a Valentines disco.
The girls can come along dressed in Red and bring a red themed party plate of food too. This is another activity that they voted for this term.

Brown Owl and Snowy Owl.

Monday 13 January 2020

Spring Term 2020

This evening we had a planning session and played indoor rounders which was great fun!

See you all next week,

Brown Owl and Snowy Owl.

Monday 9 September 2019

Welcome back!

It was so lovely to see the girls this evening and to welcome our new brownies.

Please find below a copy of the Autumn Term Newsletter.

They decided this evening that their Christmas party would by a Christmas pyjama themed one!

I have had to take off the bank account information for obvious reasons. Please ask if you need it and I can provide it via private messaging.

I'll update the blog with photographs from this evening tomorrow.

See you all next week

Brown Owl.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Fundraising Moonwalk Challenge.

Sponsored Halloween Fancy Dress Moonwalk 21st OCT 2019 6pm Hensol Forest.

Join us on Monday October the 21st 2019 for our sponsored Moonwalk Challenge around Hensol Forest. We hope to raise lots of funds for our unit and our County. I have set up a Just Giving page for families and colleagues to sponsor your child. The girls will also bring home a paper copy sponsor form. 

Please visit and share the link below to donate.

Copy this link below to email to your family, friends and work colleagues.

We will be walking 3km around Hensol Forest on the Monday and will meet there at 6pm instead of meeting at Ystradowen Village Hall (more details to follow closer to the event).

The girls and their siblings can dress up in Halloween fancy dress if they wish, as it will be Halloween the week after. 


All families are welcome for this fun event.



Tuesday 23 July 2019

Brownie Sash and badge placement.

Promise badges - wear on a sash or on the left-hand side - closest to the heart. Girls should be given a metal pin Promise badge on making her Promise not a woven trefoil badge.

Sixer or seconder badge under promise badge if they have one. 

Six badge underneath- foxes, badgers, squirrels, hedgehog badge. 

Interest badges under six badge- dancing, meditation, grow your own. 

Skill builder badges below ( be well, first aid)

Skill builder award at the bottom. Be Well Award. 

Any other fun badges as brownie buddy, nights away on their tracksuit tops or on the back of the sash

Monday 22 July 2019

Awards And Investiture.

We had a great evening tonight with all the parents, grandparents and siblings. It was lovely to officially welcome our new Brownies into our pack and to celebrate all the girls achievements over the past term. 

Enjoy the summer. See you all in September on Monday the 9th. 
Brown Owl and Snowy Owl. 

Monday 15 July 2019

Brownie Activity Day. 

This event is happening on the Tuesday of October half term- the 29th Oct. 

If you’d like your child to attend the cost is £5 per brownie. If there’s enough interest then I’m happy to take the Brownies along. Please let me know as soon as possible as I need to know the numbers to book the tickets.

Bring along £5 next week. 
Brown Owl. 

Brownie Investiture.

All the brownies who are being invested next week need to know their promise and law. They will be saying it in front of others so please practise it with them so they are confident. 

Many thanks,
Brown Owl. 

Interest badges.

The girls were very proud to show and discuss everything they had done towards their interest badges tonight. We have learned lots about dancing, gardening and mindfulness. Well done everyone. 

See you all next week for our final meeting- award ceremony and investiture. Parents and families are invited to join us at 6:45pm. 

Brown Owl. 

Monday 8 July 2019

Lots of unit making activities tonight.

Tonight we had a carousel of activities...

We worked on how to read a dogs behaviour and deal with them appropriately. 

We also worked on what is appropriate personal space?

And how to react in a sticky situation using the strategy of S.T.O.P- stop and breathe, think, observe what’s around you and plan. 

There was lots of discussion and great ideas. 

Please bring evidence of the interest badges that have been done at home to our next weeks meeting. I know that the girls are very excited about what they have been doing towards gaining either their dance, mindfulness or grow your own badge. 

Many thanks,

Brown Owl.